Poster of nurses' hands holding their individual bowls made of rice paper mâché and 23 Carat gold leaf reflected on a bright blue surface. This poster is part of the Homage process, a self-care practice created by Marie Barincou for nurses and oncology staff to address the loss of their patients
Poster of nurses' hands holding their individual bowls made of rice paper mâché and 23 Carat gold leaf reflected on a bright blue surface. This poster is part of the Homage process, a self-care practice created by Marie Barincou for nurses and oncology staff to address the loss of their patients

Community arts projects

As an artist within the community, I offer arts interventions to service organisations and charitable bodies as a way to inspire people.  These events help participants to appreciate the multifaceted beauty of life and discover the depth and value of their contributions to society. These workshops allow connections to unfold and nurture relationships.

Together we create a better world.

These engagements take place in the workplace or at my studio. Staff and/or clients come together and participate in the creation of an inspiring work of art, such as a mural, sculpture, or installation.

As people engage in art-making, they establish new lines of communication with their peers, learn to manage stress, and discover a role for the arts in their self-care practices.

At the completion of an intervention, a final work of art(s) can be displayed in a foyer or meeting room.

These interventions are tailored to the client’s needs and budget.

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